/*put stripe behind sidebar headers*/
.sidebar_header {
background-image: url("http://maternitysewing.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/sidebar_stripe.png");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 300px 40px;
height: 40px;
width: 300px;
padding-bottom: 0px;
/*make it so "default sorting" button doesn't cover dropdown menu*/
.woocommerce-ordering {
z-index: 0;
/*fix appearance of donation in wocommerce sidebar widget
.widget_shopping_cart ul li > img{
padding: 3px !important;
width: 65px;
float: right;
margin-left: 0.65em;
margin-right: 0;
/*increase font size on My Account page buttons*/
.woocommerce-MyAccount-navigation-link a {font-size: 1.1em;
/*customize woocommerce notifications*/
.woocommerce-message {background: white; color: #653173; border-color: #653173;
/*customize woocommerce notifications*/
.woocommerce-info {background: white; color: #653173; border-color: #653173;
/*increase font size on My Account page buttons*/
.x-nav-tabs a {cursor: pointer;
/*remove "Description" on the product description tab */
.description_pane > h2 {
display: none;
/*Remove grey permalink that appears when you hover over images on the Blog page*/
a.entry-thumb:hover:before {
display: none;
/*remove colored hover over blog posts*/
a.entry-thumb:hover img {
opacity: 1;
.entry-thumb:before {
display: block;
/*remove featured image from start of blog posts*/
.single-post .entry-featured {
display: none;
/*prevent previous code from removing featured image on woocommerce [products] in sidebar of blog pages*/
.woocommerce li.product .entry-featured {display: block !important;}
/*remove colored hover over Recent blog posts on front page*/
.x-recent-posts a:hover .has-post-thumbnail .x-recent-posts-img:after {
opacity: 0;
/*increase font size of Wishlist link in shop sidebar*/
.wishlist_products_counter {font-size: 1.5em;
/*put $ in correct place in donations plugin
.jcwd-input label {
display: inline;
/*show full title on recent blog posts on front page*/
.x-recent-posts .h-recent-posts, .x-recent-posts .x-recent-posts-date {
white-space: normal;
/*make gallery thumbnails below product image instead of on top*/
.single-product .flex-control-nav.flex-control-thumbs {
position: relative;
clear: both;
.single-product .flex-control-nav.flex-control-thumbs img {
min-height: 70px;
/*make woocommerce featured products in sidebar full width*/
.widget .woocommerce.columns-1 .cols-3 li.product,
widget .woocommerce.columns-1 li.product {
width: 100%;
/*don't show author right under blog post title (but keep date and category)*/
.p-meta>span:nth-child(1) {
/* FIX THIS -- Adam used "important" and probably shouldn't have */
.button.wc-forward {
font-size: 1em !important;
.woocommerce-mini-cart__total {
font-size: 1em !important;
/* END FIX */