I wonder what you thought when you saw the title of this post – “Oh cool!”, “Ehm, what?” or even “Gross!”? My mission here is to at least pique your interest, because I definitely think sewing your own cloth pads is cool! I’ve been using them for a couple of years now, but I admit that when I first heard …
Creating Your Maternity Sewing Wishlist
In the early stage of pregnancy and want to organize ALL THE THINGS you’ll sew for pregnancy? Having a baby shower and want to make it easy for your friends to gift you sewing patterns that will be useful postpartum? In the nursing phase and want to put together a list of sewing patterns you want so your spouse knows …
Selecting the Waistline on a Maternity Garment
One of the options Maternity Sewing offers in its comprehensive pattern shop search feature is “waistline”. The waistline can apply to either bottoms or tops and can either be above the belly, below the belly, or nonexistent. We’ll talk you through why you might want to select a specific waistline and show some examples of what that looks like. Bottoms …
Maternity Sewing Shop Filters
One of the features we are most proud of on Maternity Sewing is the comprehensive search feature we built into our shop. We’ve annotated all of the patterns we have for sale so you can find exactly the pattern you are looking for. Here we explain all of the search filters you can use. Size Each pattern designer uses her …
Selecting Patterns Based on Pregnancy Trimester
During each trimester of pregnancy you will have different needs in your clothing. Maternity Sewing has a variety of patterns to help meet your needs during each trimester. We have annotated each pattern in our shop to let you know how each garment is best suited. Please note that all of the following information is based on generalizations – your …
Selecting Cup Size on Sewing Patterns
Cup size is typically measured as the difference between your high bust and your full bust. A = 1″ difference, B = 2″, C = 3″, D = 4″, E = 5″, F+ = 6″ difference or more. Your cup size selected for sewing is likely to be similar to your bra size though it may not be the same …
Sizing Maternity Patterns
Maternity Sewing offers patterns by a variety of designers. Each pattern designer uses her own pattern block and size chart. Therefore, the sizing and fit that you get from one designer’s pattern may be different than another designer’s pattern. Each pattern’s size chart is included in the product listing so you can ensure that the pattern includes your size. Many …